
Hummus is a popular Israeli snack that is also loved by Cypriots, Turks, and Jordanians. This dietary healthy pasta includes chickpeas with sesame seeds, as well as various spices.

Pita and vegetables are eaten together with hummus – for lunch or dinner, it is also great as a snack. Hummus is sometimes called “protein bomb” because it has even more proteins than meat (as well as nutrients and vitamins), and the caloric content is very low.

Is hummus useful for losing weight: the composition of hummus

In hummus we put chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice and sesame paste (tahini). This healthy dish has vegetable fats and proteins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, fiber, vitamins: A, B, C, E. If you take 100 grams of the product and calculate the calories in them, it turns out that they contain 165 kcal. Of course, the caloric value of hummus is obviously minimal, when losing weight such a product will be extremely useful.

Why is hummus worth eating when losing weight ?

  • This product has a lot of leucite, which increases muscles, better metabolize substances, and even burns fat.
  • Hummus has a low glycemic index, which evens out blood sugar.
  • Chickpeas have soluble fiber in their composition – the intestines start working well from it, and there is no severe bloating of the intestines, which usually causes other legumes, from chickpeas.
  • It has an interesting feature: after eating it a few spoonfuls a person no longer has any cravings for sweets
  • Since hummus contains vegetable protein, you can get full quickly and then not feel hungry for quite a long time.
  • Olive oil also helps to eliminate “bad” cholesterol from the body.
  • And as a bonus to the weight loss effect of hummus: the lemon juice in hummus has a lot of vitamin C, which is a preventive against colds. The overseas snack is full of micronutrients that help improve blood flow to the brain; the nervous system is also normalized under their influence.

Side effects of eating hummus for weight loss

  • When eating hummus for weight loss, you should be careful. Excessive and frequent portions can lead to diarrhea and flatulence.
  • If you eat this tasty and healthy Jewish dish little by little, you will soon notice a slimming effect and no harm will come to your body.

How to cook hummus to lose weight: a recipe


We offer you to cook hummus according to an old recipe that will 100% help you lose weight

  1. Soak 300 g of dry chickpeas overnight (the water should be cold). After washing, pour it again, but already for cooking (you need to pour so much cold water to cover the chickpeas). Put it on the fire and add baking soda (you will need 1/2 tsp. of it).
  2. After 50 minutes of simmering, add salt to taste and turn off the fire under the pot with the chickpeas. Do not pour the water out of the boiled chickpeas – for further cooking you will need 100 ml. Weigh 425 g of the total amount of chickpeas thrown on a colander and put them in a blender.
  3. Peel one garlic clove, and squeeze the juice from one lemon. Mashed potato chickpeas, chickpea broth (you should have kept 100 ml), garlic cloves, one teaspoon of cumin, 60 ml of olive oil, a pinch of ground black pepper (to taste) in a blender. Add 60g of sesame paste (tahini) and mix well.
  4. Put the hummus on a plate and make a hole in the middle of the puréed chickpeas. Separately, make the salad: 125g of tomato and one small red onion, cut into cubes, add some chopped coriander, sprinkle 1/2 tsp paprika on top, season with salt and pepper, pour 40g of olive oil and mix well. Place the sliced lettuce on top of the hummus. You’re ready for a healthy dish!

Enjoy the exquisite taste of the real hummus, and have no problem losing extra pounds at the same time!