We can’t spend all day with each other, there’s work, children, activities and friends. But the time before bed is sacred for happy couples. An hour or a couple of moments, it doesn’t make a difference in case only you’re with your partner, invest that energy appreciating his conversation, conversing with him or describing your love .
Here are 11 best things you can do as a couple before you fall asleep to make tomorrow a happy day.
1. Turn off phones or put them on silent mode
If you are both in the same room, but have your hands busy on your phones or other devices, it is as if you were in different rooms. Dependence on social networking suppresses the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for emotional intimacy and tenderness. Psychotherapist Carol Carey advises families to follow a simple rule: after 9 p.m., mobile phones should be turned off or kept away from the bed.
2. Go to bed together at the same time
Very often, the couple is separated during the day and at night, each one goes to bed at different times. This rhythm of life leaves no opportunity to spend some time together. As indicated by psychologist Curt Smith, happy couples brush their teeth together and head to sleep at the same time. In this way, they maintain their intimacy and the quality of their relationship.
3. Don’t change the routine
Every day, before going to bed, you should do the same thing: it’s a good habit to get a good night’s sleep. Cleaning your face, brushing your teeth, preparing your clothes for the next day, putting breakfast in the fridge, all these daily actions will tell your body that it’s time to go to sleep. And when you do it together, there’s a lot more trust and intimacy in your happy relationship.
4. Forget about work
Often, because of a busy schedule and a large amount of work, one cannot relax or think about anything other than work, even when it is time to sleep. Forget about work, don’t check your e-mails when you are in bed, instead dedicate this time to your relationship.
5. Talk one-on-one
Don’t forget to dedicate some time to mutual feelings before you go to bed. “Try not to give immediate advice or look for an answer for the issue,” says Carol Carey. Sometimes all that matters is that you can express yourself, that you feel supported by your loved one and that they listen to you.
Psychologist Ryan Howes suggests devoting a few minutes to words of thanks before going to bed for a happy relationship : to the moments of happiness you experienced today, or to the qualities you value so much in your loved one. These feelings have a positive effect on your mood and behaviour in general, and they also help you end the day positively.
Forget about everything that happened to you during the day, put all your concerns and problems aside, and just tell your boyfriend how much you love him. The most important thing is that when you express your feelings, you don’t whisper or look at the wall, but do it in a serious and sincere way.
6. Do not argue or have polemical conversations.
Curt Smith repeats: don’t try to argue before you go to bed. Controversy and scandal will not help the problem. All you’ll gain is a restless, sleepless night and a totally wasted tomorrow.
7. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke
A lot of couples like to have a glass of wine before hitting the bed to make a sentimental environment. But when the body ingests alcohol, the recuperation time at sleep is diminished, and you wake up exhausted and confused. And those negative feelings that emerge from lack of sleep are then given to your partner. Alcohol can also raise snoring, and the nicotine that come from cigarettes causes insomnia. This will make you anxious and give you a terrible night’s sleep.
8. Do not allow children to come to bed.
Sometimes children want to spend the rest of the night in their parents’ bed after having a nightmare. But in other cases, it’s better not to let them come into the room: it should remain a private space, according to psychologist Michael Viner-Davis. To maintain intimacy, there must be a territory where the couple can be left alone.
9. Do not share the bed with animals
The University of Kansas recently conducted a survey that found that 63% of people who sleep with their pets do not get a good night’s sleep or do not get enough sleep. Pets are by nature restless: it is not in their nature to sleep quietly all night. Therefore, his restless sleep affects you too. In addition, a third party comes between you and breaks the rule: the room is only for the two of you.
10. Give your partner a massage
Specialists at the National Sleep Foundation in the United States state that a light massage before diving to sleep improves rest quality, diminishes the stress and build a very strong relationship.
11. Don’t forget the kisses and hugs
Don’t forget to kiss your honey before heading to sleep , and spend a few moments together and in each other’s arms. This relaxes and provokes positive emotions. Psychologists clarify that if you slept like that , the relationship is peaceable and healthy.